Biomatrix Wins VIBES Scottish Environment Business Award for Climate Adaption
November 18, 2019
We are delighted to have won the 2019 Adapting Scotland VIBES award last week at the prestigious award ceremony in Glasgow. At Biomatrix we are taking a proactive approach to managing climate risks and helping society adapt to climate change. We are excited to share with you 5 of the key ways we are addressing climate change.
Biomatrix Climate Adaption Solutions
1. Self Sufficient Floating Ecovillage
Floating Ecosystems can support human settlements to create Floating Ecovillages. These integrate floating homes & offices with floating farms and gardens. Floating solar generation and wastewater treatement can be integrated into these systems.

2. Floating Solar Water Treatment
Floating Solar Water Treatment combines renewable energy with the adaptability and space saving benefits of floating technology for in-situ water wastewater treatment of contaminated waterways.

3. Decentralised nature-based water treatment and water re-use technology
The Helix Flow Reactor has been engineered to provide a modular ecological wastewater treatment system with a smaller footprint than a constructed wetland. This is the ideal choice for high strength influent, which can then be recycled or reused.
4. Flood Resilient Food Production
Floating Ecosystems can be utilised to grow food and to create floating farms and edible gardens. These create additional growing space in urban centres and can adapt to the rise and fall of water levels and flood conditions. So far, we have seen inspired volunteers plant strawberries, kale and many more
edible plants in our Floating Ecosystems with great success.
Floating farms have been a crucial part of our ongoing project in Chicago: the Wild Mile with our partners Urban Rivers, and our proposals for Living Water Cities Newcastle & London. These collaborations that form bonds between local authorities, resource management organisations and local communities have the potential to change our food infrastructure and ensure the public are aware of the risks that climate change poses to our everyday way of life.
Collaborating with volunteer groups, citizen science organisations and local government we are providing the foundations to test the new types of management models needed for local food supply resilience. Piloting floating farm schemes empowers communities to learn more about where their food comes from and be creative & engaged with the resources that are right there on their doorstep.
5. Storm Water Reclamation Systems
Super SUDS technology can manage storm water in an ecological way to benefit the urban character and alleviate water pressure. The storm water can be treated and recycled for irrigation or ground water recharge.
VIBES 20th Award Ceremony
This is the 20th year of the VIBES Scottish Environment Business Awards. The ceremony at the Double Tree by Hilton in Glasgow had 400 people in attendance. These awards shine a light on Scotland’s leading green businesses.