Young Nature Enthusiasts Bring New Life to the Kennet & Avon Canal in Central Reading

Young Nature Enthusiasts Bring New Life to the Kennet & Avon Canal in Central Reading

Children from Redlands Primary School helped to plant and launch Biomatrix Floating Ecosystems on the Kennet & Avon Canal. It was fantastic to experience their enthusiasm and to see how much they care about their local environment! This new installation by the Canal and River Trust together with the Oracle Centre and Reading Abbey Quarter BID is a nature-based solution to enhance habitat and improve water quality.

The location of the project is within a popular shopping and restaurant destination. As the plants grow and mature they will enhance the beauty of the canal and provide positive benefits for everyone. Mark Evans from the Canal & River Trust explains:

“We have seen how successful these Floating Ecosystems have been on other parts of our canal network and were keen to bring them to Reading. It is especially important as the Kennet & Avon Canal gives people living, working and shopping here a place to escape city life and enjoy a breath of fresh air.
We know from our own research that being by water is good for our health and wellbeing and we want to make the canal a more attractive place both for people and wildlife – these reedbeds will help to do that.”


-Mark Evans
Canal & River Trust

In total there were 5 Floating Ecosystems totaling 94m2 Planted in Reading with approximately 1300 native aquatic plants. Volunteers from local businesses also helped the team from Biomatrix and Canal & River Trust to plant and launch some of the Floating Ecosystems.

We love seeing the enjoyment people get from connecting with nature in hands-on and practical ways! Working with volunteers and school groups is one of the highlights of our work!