Green Lake Seattle Taiga Wetlands
June 23, 2022
This month Friends of Green Lake (FOGL) together with Herrera Environmental, and local volunteers, worked with Biomatrix to plant and launch two Floating Ecosystems. These habitat islands are a memorial to Taiga Brant Hinckley, who had a keen interest in protecting lake water quality, and wildlife habitat. Green Lake is located in Seattle’s most beloved park. The islands have been positioned near the Duck Island Wildlife Refuge to provide habitat for native birds, which is one of FOGL’s main environmental objectives for this project.
Watch this one-minute video with wonderful installation footage
It was great to see such a passionate team of people working together to benefit this urban lake, and using that passion to install both ecosystems in one day! The Floating Ecosystems are planted with native aquatic plants and small trees and shrubs in highly buoyant tree pods. These will grow up over the summer and as the roots mature they will attract microbial life that supports nutrient uptake and the breakdown of contaminants in the lake. Fish are also attracted to the shelter and food that the islands provide.
The ducks immediately found the Floating Ecosystem and figured out how to use the specially made duck doors. You can watch them exiting the island on the video.

One of the special features of these islands are sections with submerged gravel beds. These provide habitat for amphibians and beneficial insects and microorganisms, while providing additional water filtration.

Taiga Brant Hinckley was a junior at The Evergreen State College, earning a Bachelor of Science degree, and spending his summers working at the Green Lake Boathouse. One of his favorite activities was kayaking and spending time on the lake, and he was a beloved friend in the neighborhood.