An Expanding Floating Wildlife Corridor in Nottingham
October 5, 2022
Volunteers helped to launch two new sections of Floating Ecosystems in Nottingham this summer, adding close to 100m2 to the thriving Ecosystems installed last year. Together they create a vital floating wildlife corridor in the city. Nottingham City Council and the Canal & River Trust are improving biodiversity, working to counteract the negative effects of development on wetlands and wildlife.

Employees from a number of local businesses worked alongside Canal & River Trust volunteers and staff to plant and install these new Floating Ecosystems.
A Welcome Green Refuge
One of the negative effects of development has been the loss of 90% of UK wetlands over the last 100 years as they’ve been drained for housing and construction. The right interventions and solutions, such as Floating Ecosystems, allow plants to grow alongside the riverbanks, canals and rivers and provide a welcome green refuge for species where hard structures make this otherwise impossible.
New Floating Ecosystems Launched in August 2022
The new installation is adjacent to the Floating Ecosystems that were launched last year in August 2021
As the plants mature they provide habitat for pollinators. Dragonflies and damselflies can begin life amid the greenery. Beneath the surface fish can shelter and find food. The plant roots and their accompanying communities of microorganisms help to clean and filter the water.

Big smiles as volunteers enjoy planting the Floating Ecosystems with over one thousand native aquatic plants.
Sustainability and Innovation
On one of the new sites we used an innovative non-invasive counter-tensioned anchor design. This secures the anchor into the silt rather than into the canal walls, and is appropriate for locations where there is uncertainty about the condition of the bank. Biomatrix Floating Ecosystems are made from recycled and natural materials. We prioritise sustainability and work hard to ensure that our products meet the highest environmental standards.

The Floating Ecosystems that were partly funded by Coca Cola EuroPacific Partners and were planted last year are now mature and provide an oasis of life and colour amid the urban infrastructure.

The Trust would like to purchase and install more of these in Nottingham and across the East Midlands Waterways. They need sponsorship to make this happen so if your business wants to know more then get in touch